Introduction to image processing

Image processing is the process of performing some operations on an image in order to improve pictorial information of the image for human interpretation and processing of image data for storage, transmission and representation for autonomous machine perception. As an example one of the image processing technique is changing brightness and this can be make the image visually pleasing for humans or make the image suitable to use in a computer vision application.

For this process image is an input and output may be image or characteristics / features associated with that image. There are two types of methods used for image processing.
ü  Analogue image processing
ü  Digital image processing

Analogue image processing

Analog images are the type of images that we as humans look at. What we see is various level of brightness and colors and it is not broken into many small individual pieces. Image analysts use various fundamentals of interpretation while using these visual techniques. In another word this processing refers to the alteration of image through electrical means. As an example television image. The television signal is a voltage level which varies in amplitude to represent brightness through the image. By electrically varying the signal, the displayed image appearance is altered. Further followings are some examples for analogue images.

Photographs, paintings, TV images, medical images recorded on film or displayed on various     display devices.

Digital image processing

A digital image is a matrix of many small elements, or pixels. Each pixel is represented by numeric value. In general, the pixel value is related to the brightness or color that we will see when the digital image is converted into an analog image for display and viewing.
Digital image processing techniques help in manipulation of the digital images by using computers.  For this process all images undergo in three steps,
  1. Pre processing.
  2. Enhancement.
  3. Display and information extraction.

figure 1 : Comparison between analog and digital images

Introduction to image sources

The principle energy source for images in use today is the electromagnetic energy spectrum. Other important sources of energy include acoustic, ultrasonic and electronic. Unlike humans, who are limited to the visual band of the electromagnetic spectrum, imaging machines cover almost entire electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from gamma to radio waves. They can operate on images generated by sources that humans are not accustomed to associating with images. These include,
  • Ultra sound imaging.
  • Gamma ray imaging.
  • X-ray imaging.
  • Imaging in an ultraviolet band.
  • Imaging in the visible and infrared bands.
  • Imaging in the microwave band.
  • Imaging in the radio band.
  • Electron microscopy.

figure 1: Electromagnetic spectrum

Ultrasonic Imaging

Ultrasound is sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing (greater than 20 kHz). Acoustic frequencies between 16 kHz and 1 GHz are referred to as ultrasound. In industrial settings we call it “Ultrasonic”.

figure 1: Frequency range of the sound

Many insects have good ultrasonic hearing and most of these are nocturnal insects listening for echolocating bats. This includes many groups of moths, beetles, praying mantids and lacewings. Toothed whales, including dolphins can hear ultrasound and use such sounds in their navigational system to orient and capture prey.

figure 2: ultrasound used by a fish to catch the prey

Properties of ultrasonic waves

  • They have a high energy content.
  • Just like ordinary sound waves, ultrasonic waves get reflected, refracted and absorbed.
  • They can be transmitted over large distances with no appreciable loss of energy.
  • If an arrangement is made to from stationary waves of ultrasonic in a liquid, it serves as a diffraction grating. It is called an acoustic grating.
  • They produce intense heating effect when passed through a substance.

How ultrasound uses for imaging

The ultrasound imaging is used to determine the development of health and to determine the sex of unborn babies in the womb. Ultrasound images are generated using the following procedure

1. The ultrasound system transmits a high frequency sound pulse into the body usually 1 to 5 MHz
2. The sound wave travel through the body and hit a boundary between tissues.
3. Some of the waves are reflected back to the probe and relayed to the computer.
4. The machine calculates the distance from probe to the tissue boundaries by using the speed of the sound and the time required for each echo’s to return.
5. The system displays the distances and intensities of the echoes on the screen, forming a two dimensional image.

figure 3: how ultrasound system transmits a pulse and echo it

Domains which are used Ultrasonic imaging

In hospitals (Medical ultrasound)

Also known as diagnostic sonography or ultrasonography. This is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the application of ultrasound. It is used to see internal body structures such as tendons, muscles, joints, vessels and internal organs. Its aim is often find source of disease or to exclude any pathology. The practice of examining pregnant women using ultrasound is called obstetric ultrasound, and is widely used.

figure 4: Development of a pregnancy using ultrasound as an image source

figure 5: Foetus feet

                    figure 6: Thyroids             figure 7: Muscle layers showing lesion

Contributed by

APN Group
R.M.D.N.R Somarathna
H.M.A.R Wijayathilake
H.K.U Poornima

Team Alpha

Vision Group
K Ushamini
S pratheeshan
Z.M Humam

Gamma-Ray Imaging

Gamma ray is an energetic form of electromagnetic radiation produced by radioactivity or nuclear or subatomic processes such as electron-positron annihilation and radioactive decay.
Gamma ray is discovered by French chemist and physicist, Paul Ulrich Villard in 1900 while studying the radiation emanating from Radium, Polonium and Uranium. He finds that gamma-ray can not be deflected by magnetic fields.

Special features of the Gamma radiation
  • The shortest wave length
  • The highest frequency
  • The most energy
  • Type of a radiation
  • Can come from the natural resources such as radon gas, radioactive elements in the earth etc.
  • This is a packet of energy (photons) that have no charge or mass (weight)

Domains which are used Gamma radiation imaging


1. Radiotherapy
High intensity gamma radiation will kill cells. It is used in a technique called radiotherapy to treat cancer by treating the cancer cells with a beam of radiation and then rotating source of the beam.

figure 1: Gamma Radiation as cancer treatment 

2. Gamma Camera
Gamma Camera Equipment is a tool used in nuclear medical depiction, to see and analyze or diagnose overview of the human body by detecting the radiation beam from a radio isotope that is inserted into the patient's body.

3. Imaging tests
Certain types of imaging tests such as CT scan and   nuclear medicine tests(such as PET scans and bones   scans) expose people to low levels of radiation in order to create internal pictures of the body.(Some imaging tests such as MRI and ultrasound do not expose people to ionizing radiation).

Space experiments

1. Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.
This animation tracks several gamma rays through space and time, from their emission in the jet of a distant blazer to their arrival in Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT).

2. Astronomical Observations.
A star in the constellation of Cygnus exploded about 15,000 years ago. It generated a super heated stationary gas cloud known as the Cygnus Loop. That glows in a spectacular array of colours and the Cygnus Loop imaged in the gamma-ray band.


1. Airport security scanners
In recent years some airports have begun to use whole body scanners as a way to detect object hidden by clothing. These scanners are different from the metal detector most people are familiar with. The types of body scanners currently in use is based on millimeter wave technology. Neither millimeter wave scanners nor metal detector expose people to Gama rays.


1. Cargo Container Scanning

Gamma-ray scanners inspect cargo containers to detect weapons and other contraband as part of integrated programme to increase the security of containerized cargo entering the U.S from around the world.
figure 2: Cargo container scanning with gamma-ray

Food and Nutrition

1. Food Irradiation

Some foods particularly poultry and produce are exposed to radiation as a mean of killing bacteria and other harmful food-borne pathogens. This is called cold-pasteurization and it reduces the incidence of food poisoning and spoilage.

Other Industrial Uses

Gamma rays are used by Engineers, since they can penetrate the concrete better than X-rays.

  • Can be used to look for cracks in pipes and aircraft parts.
  • Can be used for checking the health of the steel structure supporting the over bridges. 

Contributed by

Team Pixels
S.P Wijesekara
S.A Weerasekara
W.M.D.L Wijekoon

Triarch Group
K.T.D Perera
E.M.K.L Edirisinghe
H.M.M Wimalaweera

M.A.P.S Dushmantha
W.G.C.W.K Kulathungha
R.P.G.L.S Gunarathna

I.D.T Maddumage
H.M.K Gunarathne
W.W.L.S.T Wanigasinghe

Group Meister
R.C.U De Zoysa
S.D Munagoda
E.M.R Tharanga

X-ray Imaging

X-ray is an electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength and high frequency between the gamma and the ultraviolet radiation. These are commonly produced by accelerating (or decelerating) charged particles using high-voltage electricity supply at a piece of metal (typically tungsten). What gets reflected beck is X-rays. And X-rays are the oldest sources of EM radiation used for imaging.

figure 1: Producing X-rays

X-rays are roughly classified into two types

1. Soft x-rays
These have different optical properties than visible light and therefore experiments must take place in ultra high vacuum, where the photon beam is manipulated using special mirrors and diffraction gratings.

2. Hard x-rays
These are the highest energy x-rays, while the lower energy x-rays are referred to as soft x-rays. The distinction between hard and soft x-rays is not well defined. Hard x-rays are typically those with energies greater than around 10 keV. More relevant to the distinction are the instruments required to observe them and the physical conditions which the x-rays are produced.

Properties of X-rays
  • They have very short wave length.
  • They are electrically neutral.
  • They cause ionization (adding or removing electrons in atoms).
  • They affect photographic film in the same way as the visible light.
  • They are absorbed by metal and bone.
  • They are transmitted by healthy body tissue.

Domains which are used X-ray imaging

In medical science

X-rays are still best known as a medical tool, used in both diagnosis and treatment. Standard X-ray images easily differentiate between bone and soft tissue; bones are good at absorbing X-rays, whereas soft tissues like skin and muscle allow the rays to pass straight through. That makes X-ray photography extremely useful for all kinds of medical diagnosis; they show up broken bones, tumors and lung conditions such as tuberculosis and emphysema.
Dentist also use X-rays extensively to help them understand what’s happening in parts of your mouth inside your teeth and gums.

The most common methods of X-ray in medical imaging are
  • Radiography (Plain X-rays)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Mammography
  • Angiography
  • Fluoroscopy

1. Radiography (Plain X-rays)

In radiography, a beam of X-rays produced by an X-ray generator, is transmitted through an object (the part of the body to be scanned). The X-rays are absorbed by the material they pass through in different amounts depending on the density and composition of the material. X-rays that are not absorbed pass through the object and are recorded on X-ray sensitive film.

figure 2: Basic steps for X-ray imaging                    figure 3: A typical X-ray radiography of the chest

2. Computed tomography (CT)

Computer tomography (CT) scanners produce detailed images of the body. Due to their high resolution, these images can provide additional information compared to conventional radiography.
The most prominent part of a CT scanner is the gantry – a circular, rotating frame with an X-ray tube mounted on one side and a detector on the opposite side. A fan shaped beam of X-rays is created as the rotating frame spins the X-ray tube and detector around the patient. As the scanner rotates, several thousand images are taken in one rotation resulting in one complete cross-sectional images of the body. Built on these data, it is possible to create 3D visualization and views from different angles.

                 figure 4: principle of CT scanner                  figure 5: Modern CT scan provides very                                                                                       detailed images (blood vessels, internal                                                                                           organ) 

3. Mammography

This is a special type of X-ray imaging used to create detailed images of the breast and is commonly used in screening for breast cancer.  In digital mammography electronic detectors that convert X-rays into electrical signals are used instead of film. This produce images of the breast that can be viewed on a computer screen or printed on special film similar to conventional mammograms.

        figure 6: In mammography each breast is        figure 7: Normal breast tissue in mammogram
       compressed horizontally   

4. Angiography

This is a special type of X-ray technique for viewing blood vessels and organs, especially the heart, by injecting a contrast agent into the blood that enhances its visibility on the X-ray image.

figure 8: Angiography of a blood vessel in the region of the knee

5. Fluoroscopy

This is a type of medical imaging that produces a continuous live X-ray image of the patient’s internal structure on a monitor.

Figure 9: The colon is clearly seen on the air-contrast barium enema

In security sector

X-rays are useful for checking bags at airport check-ins. X-rays pass straight through soft materials such as leather and plastic but are blocked by the metal in guns, knives and weapons. Typically suitcases and bags travel up through large scanners on conveyor belts, with X-ray images of their contents appearing instantly on computer screen studied by security guards.

Figure 10: X-ray use in the airport

In aeronautical engineering

X-ray help to track down things like cracks and fatigue in metal components. Turbine blades in airplane jet engines are tested in this way to make sure they are not harboring any problems that would cause them to fail suddenly during flight. 

Figure 11: turbine blade

In photography and art industry

Fine art black and white floral photographic prints can be made from X-ray films of flowers. Optimum technique for making the x-ray image would use unscreened fine-grain industrial x-ray film covered by thin light-protective plastic. The film is exposed at low kilo voltage for multiple seconds with floral material laying on the light-protected film in specimen radiographic equipment. The film is hand developed. Once the x-ray image is created, it can be used like any photographic negative to make a print or digital image.

Figure 12: fine art black and white floral photographic print

And also X-ray imaging used in oil paintings in order to prove the artist authenticity.

In scientific research area

X-ray is use in studying the inner structure of materials. If fire beam of X-ray at a crystal, the atoms scatter the beam in a very precise way, casting a kind of shadow of the crystal’s interior pattern from which you can measure the distance between one atom and its neighbors. This is called X-ray diffraction or X-ray crystallography.


X-ray used looking through telescope to see light from distant objects even ones far out into space. Radio telescopes, for example, are more like giant satellite dish antennas that capture radio waves being given off from those distant sources. X-ray also travel through space and we can study them in a similar way with telescope tuned to recognize their particular frequency.

Contributed by

W.M Madushan
A.M.N Chathurani
M.P.H Molagoda

T.M.N.M Gunathilake
R.P.B.A Vitharana
S.A.S Lokuge

N.M.K Sarathchandra
R.M.P.N Rathnayake
S.M.S Siriwardena

S Jasintha
M.C.P Nifra
S Kishokanth
M.H.J.A Marrikkar

V.G.G.N Ariyarathna
N.P.J Withana
R.T.L Thennakoon

Ultraviolet Imaging

Ultraviolet (“UV”) band is one of the frequencies of band to the human eye; it is an invisible part of the “electromagnetic spectrum.” Ultraviolet band, visible light and infrared energy are all given off by the sun. UV band was discovered in 1801 by a German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter.
Light which is visible to the human eye covers the spectral region from about 400 to 750 nanometers. This is the radiation spectrum used in normal photography. The band of radiation that extends from about 1 nm to 400 nm is known as ultraviolet radiation. UV spectrographs divide this range into three bands. They are,
  • Near UV (380–200 nm wavelength; abbrev. NUV)
  • Far UV (or vacuum UV) (200–10 nm; abbrev. FUV or VUV)
  • Extreme UV (1–31 nm; abbrev. EUV or XUV)

figure 1: UV band

Only near UV is of interest for UV photography, for several reasons. Ordinary air is opaque to wavelengths below about 200 nm, and lens glass is opaque below about 180 nm. UV photographers subdivide the near UV into:
  • Long wave UV that extends from 320 to 400 nm, also called UV-A
  • Medium wave UV that extends from 280 to 320 nm, also called UV-B
  • Short wave UV that extends from 200 to 280 nm, also called UV-C

Features of UV Radiation

1. Spectrophotometry
UV radiation has been used to study the chemical structure of various substances and has been widely employed in visible spectrophotometry to determine the presence of fluorescence in a given sample.

2. Photolithography
UV is employed in fine resolution photolithography and hence is extensively used in the field of electronics.

3. Authentication of documents and collectibles
In order to prevent counterfeiting, sensitive documents like passport may include a UV watermark that can be viewed only beneath a UV light. Analyzing gems, or other valuables can also be effectively carried out under UV light.

Domains which are used ultraviolet imaging


Two ways of UV photography

1. Reflected ultraviolet
  • Detection of scratches in a surface
The shorter UV wavelengths tend to scatter more strongly off surface features compared to the visible or near-IR bands. So, for example, scratches not apparent in a visible image may be visible only to a person with excellent eyesight with great difficulty when visible light strikes at a very oblique angle. In contrast, in a UV image taken at 365 nm, the scratches can be seen quite easily.

  • Detection of small amounts of surface contamination

Since UV light tends to be absorbed by organic materials, traces of oil or grease are sometimes detectable on many surfaces, particularly in the deep-UV band. It is also possible to distinguish new paint from old in some situations, even when the two types of painted surfaces look identical in the visible band.

2. Ultraviolet induced

Ultraviolet photography finds practical use in medicine, dermatology, botany, criminology and theatrical applications.

figure 2: UV use in dermatology

In microscopy

A fluorescence microscope is an optical microscope which is used UV to get better resolution of the fluorescent image.

figure 3 : UV in microscope

In lithography

Extreme ultraviolet lithography is a next-generation lithography technology using an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelength.
Photolithography, also termed optical lithography or UV lithography, is a process used in to pattern parts of a thin film or the micro fabrication bulk of a substrate.

figure 4: UV in lithography

In Astronomy

Using UV light, it can take images of new stars and sky objects, and can measure the chemical composition, densities, and temperature of those stars.

figure 5 : Image of sky objects

Biological Imaging

UV light allows forensics scientists to see evidence that they would otherwise be unable to see with the naked human eye. UV light illuminates substances such as,
       bite marks
       bodily fluids

Forensic scientists use RUVIS (reflective ultraviolet imaging system) to find fingerprints. RUVIS consists of a ray of UV light that must be positioned in a proper angle onto the surface that has suspected prints. RUVIS devices use 254nm UV light.

Other Applications which used UV radiation

1. Germicidal Lamps
Germicidal lamps or low pressure mercury lamps are commonly used in laboratory. They are usually in housed fixtures such as a biological hood, but may not always limit exposure to the eyes or skin. The UV wavelength of these lamps is between 200-280 nm and work by breaking DNA which removes the capability of organisms to reproduce or kills them. Unprotected persons should not be in a room where a lamp is active. Hood lamps should be turned off after sterilization time has ended.

2. Photo-therapy Lamps
Artificial sources of UVB in phototherapy lamps are used primarily for clinical purposes. Acne, psoriasis, neonatal high levels of bilirubin, and daylight deprivation depression are some of the ailments treated with UVB. The exposures times and radiation intensities are controlled and should not cause any unusual harmful effects that one would not get in sunlight. Regardless, equipment should be monitored regularly to avoid accidental overexposure.

3. Lasers
The term "LASER" is an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” The light from a laser has a very small divergence. The most common injury from a laser is thermal, but chronic exposure around UV lasers even outside of the beam can have the same effects as exposure to UVA or UVB. Damage to the eyes from lasers is irreversible. Face shielding when working with lasers is mandatory.

Contributed by

H.M.N.N Herath
P.A.U Rathnasiri
D.L.S.N Liyanage

W.A.U.C Weerasekara
F.R Arshad
R.K.A.N.G Sandunika

U.A.A.M Adikaram
W.A.T Chathurika
L.J.M.N.A.K Balalla

R.M.R.S Bandara
N.D Gamachchi
W.A.M.T.R Herath

M.A.M.M Mathotaarachchi
H.P.K.U Suraweera
D.M.M.N Dissanayaka

Infrared Radiation Imaging

Infrared Radiation is made up of particular wavelength just beyond what we can see on the red side of the spectrum and this falls in the range of the (EM) spectrum between microwaves and visible light. It has frequencies from about 3 GHz up to about 400 THz and wavelengths of about 30 centimeters (12 inches) to 740 nanometers (0.00003 inches), although these values are not definitive.

Infrared imaging is a type of imaging that utilizes light above the wavelength of the visual spectrum. Active infrared sends out a beam of infrared light and gathers the reflected waves to form a picture on a screen or pair of glasses. 

figure 1: Characteristics of Infrared

Domains which are used Infrared radiation imaging

Medical Stream

1. Thermal Cameras
One of the most common uses of infrared radiation is in heat-sensitive thermal imaging cameras. These can be used to study human and animal body heat patterns, but more often, they are used as night-vision cameras. These have uses in warfare, as security cameras and in nocturnal animal research.

2. Infrared Light Therapy
Light therapy or phototherapy (classically referred to as heliotherapy) consists of exposure to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light using lasers, light-emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, dichroic lamps or very bright, full-spectrum light, usually controlled with various devices. Light therapy has found many uses in different areas. For example, it is used to treat a variety of skin diseases and it is used to treat mood and sleep related disorders as well.

Satellite Pictures

Most IR observations are conducted by satellites to avoid atmospheric interference. One of the more prominent of these satellites was the Infrared Astronomical Satellite IRAS, which produced images of the sky at wavelengths of 12, 25, 60 and 100 micrometers (µm).However, there was not another complete sky survey conducted until 2006 when the Japanese space agency JAXA launched the satellite “AKIRI”.


Astronomers can look at an area of the sky that appears empty and dark in the visual part of the electromagnetic spectrum and find the area full of activity in the infrared. Since most objects that are at all hot produce infrared radiation, whereas plenty of objects do not produce visible light, it is a vital tool in observational astronomy.
  • Infrared telescope -An infrared telescope is a telescope that uses infrared light to detect celestial bodies.  All celestial objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit some form of electromagnetic spectrum. In order to study the universe, scientists use several different types of telescopes to detect these different types of emitted radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. 

figure 2: SOFIA-IR telescope in aircraft

Contributed by

Team Elite
M.P.C Sadaru
A.G.N.K Aluthgama
A.M.A.P Abeysingha

T Pirashanth
S.M Shamik
K.N.F Shakira